Permits for Activities Within The County Road Right-Of-Way

In Accordance with Act 200 of the Public Acts of 1969 any activity or use of county road right- of-way other than for highway travel purposes does require a permit from the Road Commission. A permit is required to build a new drive and/or reconstruct or pave an existing driveway. A completed driveway permit may be required before the Township will issue a land use permit.

Permitted activities are: Driveway construction, utility installation, seismographic exploration and oversize transport. Permit applications and road right-of-way standards are available at our office, downloadable from this site, or they can be mailed to you.

Standard mailboxes are allowed without a permit in the road right-of-way. Your post office provides a guide for installation.

Activities which are not permitted are: the placement of fences, retaining walls, sprinkler systems, landscaping rocks, boulders or berms, filling existing drainage ditches or dumping debris, planting trees, shrubs or bushes, installing light posts or other encroachments considered hazardous by the Road Commission.

Your cooperation will help keep our roadways safe for vehicle traffic and reduce the future maintenance expense of our county road system.

Below are some examples of when a permit is required.
 · Banners & Parades Permits to close a road or portion of a road for festivities, such as a parade, or for decorations such as banners that would overhang the traveled portion of a road, are issued upon the request of an authorized government official. Adequate arrangements must be made to handle traffic during the closure. A banner must be fastened securely and clear the road by at least 18 feet.

· Private Engineers and Surveyors Private field crews must secure permits before working in the county road right-of-way.

· Transportation Permits Permits are required to transport vehicles or loads that exceed the legal limit. Such permits will be issued if the vehicle or load cannot be easily dismantled or rearranged to come within the legal limits. The permits will not be issued during the time of weight restrictions.

· Trees Within the Right-of-Way Permission must be received from the Road Commission to remove, tunnel under or trim trees in the road right-of-way.

· Work in the Right-of-Way Projects, such as the construction of utilities and other facilities in the road right-of-way, are subject to a number of standards regarding location, depth, construction methods and restoration.

· Work in or Near the Roadside To control soil erosion and water runoff, a permit is required to do any grading, stripping, excavating, filling, or other work that would change the earth in the road right-of-way.

· Driveways The construction of a driveway or reconstruction or modification of an existing driveway requires a Road Commission permit. A permit also is required when the use of land served by an existing driveway is changed or expanded.

· Below are the permit forms. These forms are printable in Adobe Acrobat. Please feel free to print off any permit you require.